
Toying with wood

AM Fine Furniture
March 15, 2022

Toying with wood Julia Main talks about training with AM Fine Furniture and her ambition to set up a business making wooden toys and furniture for children Q. Tell us a little bit about you...

Professional Furniture Making Students’ Work

AM Fine Furniture
November 29, 2020

Professional Furniture Making Students’ Work     One of our 12-month professional furniture making students is currently working on the course’s Laminating & Veneering module. The project for this module is a curved wall cabinet....

Ashtead Common Oak

AM Fine Furniture
November 21, 2020

Ashtead Common Oak We were very excited about the delivery of beautiful oak from Ashtead Common this week. Beautiful Grain Pattern on this Oak, a byproduct of the conservation work done at Ashtead Common. Last...

COVID-19 Update: Workshop Measures

AM Fine Furniture
November 10, 2020

COVID-19 Workshop Measures We have put in place strict safety and hygiene protocols in regard to the COVID-19 outbreak. For example, the workshop infrastructure has been changed to allow safety distancing, we set up room...

COVID-19 Workshop Update: Courses

AM Fine Furniture
June 10, 2020

COVID-19 Workshop Update: Courses We are very pleased to announce that following a temporary closure due to the COVID-19 lockdown, we have recently reopened the Workshop for our trainees on the long-term professional training courses....