Furniture Making Course: Keepsake Box

Skill Level: Advanced  (Is this course right for me?)

Learn how to make a keepsake box like this

Learn to make your own keepsake box, as featured on More4’s Real Craft Series.

This type of project was originally designed to test the aptitude and skill-level of potential apprentices and employees and the tradition continues to this day - I made a keepsake box when I began my training.

This intensive project-based course brings together the techniques needed to plane a piece of wood flat, square and straight, as well as joint making and spoke shaving.

To create your box you will use a wide range of the techniques and processes that are essential to fine furniture making. For example, wood selection, material planning and preparation, creating dovetail joints, fielded panelling work, plus preparation of wood finishes and oiling.

Course content:

  • Preparing timber (refresher)
  • Advanced sharpening
  • Use of tenon and crosscut saws
  • Use of marking tools
  • Setting out dovetails
  • Planing a raised panel
  • Use of plough plane
  • Wood preparation for oil finishing

At the end of the course you will have gained the knowledge, experience and confidence to select wood, plan and prepare materials, mark and cut dovetail joints and to complete the wood finishing, including oiling.

You will also take home your own beautiful hand-made box created from native hardwoods.

To ensure individual attention, there are never more than six students taught by one of our experienced tutors.

Keepsake box open

All tools and materials are provided.

Course duration: 5 days

Course fee: £695 (includes materials).

If you need advice on whether this course is right for you please get in touch by emailing me at or calling 078 11 262360.

Courses run from Monday 9am to Friday 5pm. We provide tea, fresh coffee and refreshments during the course. Lunch is not provided, I recommend you bring a packed lunch, however we are only a few minutes by car from the Farnham town centre.

Accommodation is not included, but there are many excellent hotels and B&BS in the area. Click this link to see a selection.

Please note that we are unable to accept applications from anyone under the age of 18 at the start of their course.

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