Three Month Furniture Making Course
This full time furniture making course introduces students to the fundamental hand skills in fine furniture making. In line with the philosophy of Learning by Making you will undertake real projects from the very start, working to a high standard and making items to take away with you.
Through a carefully structured series of projects and practical training, you will learn core fine woodworking techniques, hand skills and processes, including material preparation, joinery, hand tool selection and preparation, as well as wood science.
At the end of this 3 Month Course students will have covered the fundamental skills needed to draw, plan and select materials in order to make solid wood furniture by hand.
To ensure individual attention, there are never more than five students in our woodworking class.
I am very happy to discuss your particular situation and aims to find the best course fit and available intake dates.
Additional evening classes are also offered (subject to availability), for example:
- Drawing and sketching
- Watercolouring in Furniture Design
- Sketchup for Furniture Makers
- CAD for Furniture Makers
- Chair Seat Weaving (Cane, Rope, Splint)
- Photography for Furniture Makers
Course Details
Hand Tool preparation and selection: Hand tool fettling, second hand tool assessing and restauration, new tool selection, maintenance, storage.
Wood preparation by hand: principal fundamentals (flat, square and straight)
Sharpening: blade sharpening, sharpening geometry analysis, saw blades.
Hand Cut Joinery: joint selection and application, weaknesses and strength analysis, marking and laying out, jointing techniques and methods.
Abrasives: selection and correct application.
Wood finishing: choosing a wood finish, oils, waxes, lacquers, hand application and spray applications. Creating own wood finish.
Adhesives: selection and correct application.
Solid Wood Material Science: timber identification, moisture content and wood movement, timber drying (kiln drying processes, etc.), timber selection and timber defects.
Personal timber library
Glue up: preparation and clean-up.
Project management introduction: cutting lists, ironmongery selection, time management.
Workshop Health & Safety
Workshop drafting: technical drawing by hand, rod layout.
Social Media
Visits: timber yards.
Course fee: £7,850
Next intakes:
Due to the duration, this course may be suited for students who require a Visa. You can find further information here
For on-site accommodation, please contact us directly.