Fitting Drawers to a Handmade Sideboard

During the glue up process the drawers are checked for square. Then the clamps are removed and the drawers laid on a flat surface for the glue to set.

Drawer clamped up for gluing

The following day I started fitting the drawers, by planing of the excess material on the sides, starting at the back and working forwards.

Sycamore drawer side panel

…until the ends fit like below. Then it was a matter moving forward along the drawer sides removing more excess material.

Test fitting drawers

And repeating the process on all the drawers until the were all fitting snugly.

Sideboard drawers in place


Prepping the Oak drawer bottoms

After that I prepped the quarter sawn Oak for the drawer bottoms, which had been glued up a few weeks earlier and left to settle.

Fitting drawer bottoms with sycamore muntins

Fitting the drawer bottoms with a sycamore centre drawer muntin.

Drawer fronts after planing and cleaning

I then planed and cleaned up the front of the drawers to get a complete view of the through dovetails. All the drawers were then disassembled and sanded. Finally all the internal surfaces were waxed, polished and the drawers reassembled.


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